To join Haringey Circle, see or call 020 3196 1894. They are changing subscription arrangements and it’s likely to cost less than before – do ask about this.
Haringey Circle is a local, independent membership-based programme open to anyone over the age of 50 in Haringey. They provide activities and events to help over 50s in Haringey to connect, get active, keep learning, and to stay independent. The Circle is quite separate from the Over 50s Forum
Based around a varied social calendar developed by members and volunteers, their aim is to help local people over 50 to build friendship groups that offer practical and emotional support. They help to increase social connections and improve wellbeing and self-esteem.
They also recognise and celebrate the skills and experiences older people have to offer and can help you to use your skills to develop activities and hold community events in your neighbourhood, or anywhere in Haringey.