The committee could do with a lot more help. If you would like to help with any of the following tasks, please contact us on 07915 477009 or e-mail
- Helping to write the newsletter, do layout work on a computer in Word or Publisher
- Help with mailing out the newsletter
- Phoning members who are out of touch to see how they are, sometimes nudging them to pay their subscription, telling them what’s going on and asking if they need to be connected to council or other services
- Helping with practical things at meetings, like serving refreshments, collecting subs, taking names of people present to see if they are members, handing out papers.
You don’t necessarily have to be over 50 to help with these things! We’d love to hear from you whatever your age. It’s a chance to meet older people and share their experiences and stories. We have artists, gardeners, retired nurses, ex-councillors, writers…. lots of interesting people amongst us.