About Us
The Over 50s Forum’s purpose is to give older people a voice and to ensure that all their concerns are put and kept before the decision makers.
Our aims are:-
• To promote and involve ourselves with policies that benefit older people.
• To make sure Haringey Council and other public service bodies (e.g. NHS, TfL, GLA, the police) recognise and understand the needs of older people in the Borough.
For more information and how to join email info@ho50s.org.uk or phone 07915 477009. Text is best but if you leave a voice message, please give your contact details very slowly and clearly.
Committee members maintain liaison with the Haringey Circle and several other Haringey and London-wide organisations, often through overlapping committee memberships, including various borough-level and London wide official bodies:-
- Older People’s Reference Group, feeding service users’ views into the Joint Partnership Board for Adult Services (a bridging committee between the Council and the NHS, to bring service users’ views to both)
- The Ageing Well Board – a borough-wide group in which a few ‘lay’ members meet with NHS managers and the Haringey Council public health team
- Public Voice
- Keep Our NHS Public
- Transport for All
- Greater London Forum
- Other Haringey pensioners’ groups
Members receive a regular newsletter and we have monthly meetings plus a cinema club. Email updates on events are sent to all members with e-mail addresses. We also have occasional outings, socials and picnics.
Details of meetings are posted in the newsletter. Any member can join in and we welcome guests to ‘try us out’. The meetings are usually the 4th Tuesday in any month, starting at 2pm. Venue in FEBRUARY (27th) will be the Winkfield Centre, Winkfield Road, N22 5RP, but details are always given in the newsletter (see newsletter page on this site). In March we expect to move our main meetings to the Epione Wellbeing Centre, Denmark Road, N8 ODZ. (The building is on the corner of Denmark Road and Wightman Road. Wheelchair/walker users should pass the steps to the main entrance and find level access about 4m further along the road).
The cinema club is usually the first Tuesday afternoon in the month at the Finsbury Park Picture House. Email James on info@ho50s.org.uk to find out more.