Please note that we have changed the regular meeting day to Thursday, the 4th Thursday every month. It will be back at the Winkfield Centre from now on – warmer and no chair-
shifting to do! That’s at 33 Winkfield Road, N22 5RP. (near W3 and 243 bus routes turning off Lordship Lane between the court house and Tesco).
Please try to arrive punctually to avoid delaying the start. Doors open from 1.45.
The speaker will probably be Ella Rene, a council officer who is writing Haringey’s new
Strategy for Older People’s Housing and wants our ideas. (We’re awaiting confirmation and
will update you on Whatsapp).
Rajes Bala, a member with much experience in health promotion, will also do a short
presentation on keeping healthy in winter. And of course plenty of time for tea, biscuits
and chat.
To generate additional income the committee has agreed as a trial to have a raffle at the next meeting on
Thursday 23 January at the Winkfield Centre. Tickets will be available and the draw will take place at the
meeting. We will start with 4 prizes donated by members of the committee. Hopefully this will be a
success which could then become a regular event.
The speaker we’ve invited is Paul Johnson from Carers First. We’ve been waiting for some
time to arrange a date with these busy people to talk about services for carers, which we
know affects many members.
Members are reminded that your 2025 sub is due by end of February, unless you already
paid, joined or re-joined since October. £8 per year, £40 life. Please pay in cash or by
cheque at a meeting, or by bank transfer to Haringey over 50s Forum, sort code 08 92
99, account no. 65525931. If you can’t manage either give us a ring on 07915 477009
or e-mail
Free subscriptions courtesy of the George Robey Charity
We have a bit of money for this from a charitable grant to support people who live in the pre-1972 borough boundary of what was then ‘Wood Green’. Please encourage any non-
member you know who lives in the N22 area north of Westbury Avenue to come forward for the free sub offer, especially if they live in sheltered housing.
We got some funding – and some useful work to do!
We have been awarded a grant from the Haringey Community Collaborative of £1950 to
run some information meetings for older people. These will be a launch pad for Haringey
Older People’s Alliance (HOPA), and hopefully will be a big service to the community a
people struggle with the cost of living and problems about doing things online.
We will run 4 events in different areas/venues, each targeting at least 30 attenders, to
improve access to advice and support in four areas; key benefits for older people (Pension
Credit, Carer’s Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Council Tax Reduction); avoiding fuel
poverty; affordable healthy food (through lunch clubs, cooking classes, food banks, etc);
digital inclusion (how to save money and get services more easily by doing things online).
Events would offer lunch and advice presentations with take-away handouts.
We’ll need quite a lot of help organising them. If you can assist the committee please let us
know – we need people to help with refreshments, putting up posters when we have dates
and places fixed up, and maybe distributing leaflets, spreading the word on social media
and through other older people’s clubs and events.
We had committee elections. The new officers are:-
Rebecca Ellis – Chair
Penny Fraser – Secretary
Dorothy Briffa (who kindly volunteered) – Membership Secretary
Anne Gray – Acting Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer; vacant. Other committee members; Lucretia Baptiste, Clara St John, Satish Kabra, Rajes Bala,
Lourdes Keaver, Shirley Blenman, Alice Olokun.
The retiring chair, James Cowling, gave a report, as did Anne Gray for the secretary and
treasurer roles. We’ll put fuller reports on the web site, but here are some of the main
Chair’s report by James Cowling, retiring chair
It’s been a busy year, with members attending and contributing to the Older People’s Reference Group,
national forums promoting the development of an Age Friendly Community, and a meeting at the House
of Commons arranged by End Social Care Disgrace. James is a committee member of the Greater London
Forum which meets twice a month and keeps us close to Age UK.
A notable initiative is Haringey Older People’s Alliance (HOPA), started by James, Penny and Anne of the
Forum. This will involve working with other pensioners’ groups, community organisations and
representatives from Health and the Local Authority.
Baroness Lola Young has agreed to be HO50s’ Forum Honorary President.
The Forum has engaged with the council to help develop a toilet strategy for Haringey. An updated toilet
map is on the council website. The Forum is also involved in inaugurating Loos for London.
The Forum has been involved in the Age Well Festival; stalls at the People’s Day, Haringey Expo and Carers
Rights Day. Some members were also at the launch of Haringey Community Collaborative; and the Mayor
election hustings The annual picnic took place at Bruce Castle Park in August. James with others has been
working with Disability Action Haringey on a transportation scheme. Christmas 2023 was celebrated with
lunch at Bracknell Close and lunch at Capital Restaurant. James also had the opportunity to be interviewed
by Jamilla for Anybody Everything Tottenham.
We have an active Whatsapp group. Some members have also joined NAVNET, a Whatsapp networking
community, providing information about services and problems. Penny Fraser has written an article for
them publicising the Forum. The cinema club runs twice a month at 2 different venues; Picture House
cinemas at Finsbury Park and Crouch End. We have also attended dance sessions at the Southbank.
Among speakers this year included Andy from Coffee and Computers; Polly from Reach and Connect and
Councillor Lucia das Neves on health issues. The newsletter continues to be successful with copying by the
Bridge Renewal Trust. We also have the continued support of Councillors John Bevan and Sean
The Forum continues to help its members. It is a place where people support each other and friendships
are formed. Recently members rallied together to assist Nimet Tan who had a horrific accident in her
accommodation and is still bedbound.
James outlined the Chair’s responsibilities and suggested that those tasks in the future, could be shared more widely.
Secretary’s report (Anne Gray)
Anne highlighted how we have achieved quite a lot of influence in the last year. Several Forum members
are now sitting on the Older People’s Reference Group, which represents our generation to the Joint
Partnership Board for Adult Services (about social care and many other council services).
Anne and Lourdes also take part in the Ageing Well Board. We’ve had meetings with council officers about the new carers’ strategy and the new older people’s housing strategy, and attended the Haringey Community Collaborative meetings for the voluntary sector. Thanks to Penny and James for having launched the Haringey Older People’s Alliance in which we are trying to bring together other voluntary groups for older people to increase our influence and share information. We’ve talked a lot with councillors about Haringey becoming an Age Friendly Community, which would commit the council to adopting much better policiesfor our age group across number of different areas. This initiative kicked off with the wonderful Age Well festival in September, which I think a lot of people enjoyed and there are plans to do it again next year.
Committee members have also been sharing tasks and doing several different things. Thanks to Clara for
helping a lot with the newsletter, to the whole committee for helping to mail it, and to James for doing a
lot of visiting and helping individual members. Thanks to all who have helped run and develop the forum
this year, including our web site volunteer Peter who has done an amazing job.
Treasurer’s report (Anne Gray)
The Forum is surviving quite well financially despite having no major grant monies this year. membership
is stable with 116 paid up members of whom 39 are life members. Of course they won’t be expected to
pay more, although a voluntary donation of a pound or two sometimes would be very welcome.
We are saving money on postage by many more people now getting the newsletter by email. We are also
grateful for free photocopying of the newsletter by the Bridge Renewal Trust.
We do need to do a bit of fund-raising and if we want a support worker to expand our activities and take
on admin tasks which are difficult to cover entirely by volunteers, we need to look for a big long term
grant. We continue to do that.
Discussion with Catherine West, MP
We were fortunate to have a Q and A at our AGM with our Hornsey and Wood Green MP. The discussion
was quite quite wide ranging. Here are some of the main topics raised:- Lack of accessible and affordable community centres in Haringey – so many council owned or
formerly council funded buildings are now unused. Several food banks are homeless. CW pointed
out that centres can only run with lots of volunteers – funding alone may not be enough. We need
an ‘older people’s hub’; CW mentioned that the Caxton Road Hub now has a stair lift and could be
suitable. She was receptive to the problems of food banks, and to helping us apply for funding.
Boat trip to Greenwich – from James Cowling
Seven of us cruised down the Thames in December from London Eye Waterloo Pier to Greenwich. It was a
relaxing time on the boat. Once we got to Greenwich, we had a look at the market and had some
lunch. We all went to various pop-up stalls. We came back to Haringey via the DLR where we sat near the
front of the driverless train as it meandered through the Isle of Dogs. The price was very good too. When
I inquired in November, I was told the price was around £16.00. Well, we only paid £6.53 each, one way,
as we all had a Freedom Pass. If you haven’t done the cruise with City Cruises, it’s well worth the trip.
Survey on loneliness from Haringey Circle
Members are invited to answer three questions online:-
Haringey Circle is asking Circle, DAH and other members a few questions to help them know a little more
about you. They will develop activities and events that you enjoy with opportunities to learn new things
and make new friends and acquaintances. They’re trying to build a general picture, so please be assured
that your answers will not be used for any other purpose. Your answers will be treated as confidential; the
questionnaires will only be held on their secure database for three months, after which time they will be
deleted. You can do the online survey here:-
Impact Measurement Survey
Circle appreciates you giving your time to respond. When answering the questions, please remember there are no
right or wrong answers; be completely honest. In answering the questions, it is best to think of your life as it
generally is now (we all have some good or bad days)
There are just three questions:-
How often do you feel that you lack companionship? *
How often do you feel left out?*
How often do you feel isolated from others?*
*For each one you’re asked to choose a reply: ‘Hardly ever/ Some of the time/ Often’
Forum Christmas lunch at the Palace Gates sheltered housing scheme Around twenty people attended our Christmas Lunch at
Palace Gates on 11 December. It was food, glorious food!
We had enough chicken, salad, cake, dumplings and
dessert for an army! Thank you everyone for your
contributions. With our party hats on, we got into festive
season by singing a few Christmas carols. We also signed
up seven new members to our free subscription offer (see
page 2). It was a fun afternoon enjoyed by all. Thank you
to Jerome and his staff at Palace Gates for all their support
too. Happy New Year everyone and cheers to 2025.
Home adaptations – a lady who came to our September meeting wrote about how it led
to big improvements in her life!
Three Steps to My Liberation!
The two steps from my front path to front door had become unsafe. I felt nervous of using the steps
especially carrying shopping or returning home in the dark evenings. Thanks to a Forum meeting I feel at
liberty to use my front door again!
Step one to my liberation was the Forum meeting in September when the manager of Haringey
adaptations team, Sandra Bonner, joined us to talk about how to apply for things like ramps, stairlifts, wet
rooms and Disabled Facilities Grants. Sandra kindly spoke privately to some of us who were having
problems finding our way through the maze of regulations. I had been trying for nearly a year to have the
steps to my front door made safe and a handrail fitted without success of finding a builder capable or
willing to do the job.
Step two was following the advice given by Sandra Bonner who drew
plans and made measurements and supplied hints on where to find a
qualified builder. This all done by using google maps and photos online in
a meeting room away from the main hall, plus some of my own records
later sent by email. I followed her suggestions and quickly found a
builder, accepted the quote and date for the work. As I was self-funding,
I’m sure the process was eased.
Step three the work completed. I was safe again to climb the steps, use
my shopping trolley and be confident leaving and returning to the house.
I now have the liberty to go and come as I choose!
Hornsey Vale; £2 Soup on Mondays
Hornsey Vale Community Centre’s Soup Cafe, launched in October 2023, runs every
Monday during term time. It serves home-made soup using (mostly) surplus veggies
supplied by its friends at The Felix Project. The Soup Café takes place in the Small Hall at
the centre in Mayfield Road, N8, which is open from 11am to 2:30pm. Soup is served from
noon to 2pm. The Soup Café hopes to create a relaxed space where people can meet new
friends, join in fun activities and talk about what they would like to see and do at Hornsey
Vale. There is a growing collection of games, art supplies for guided creative drawing,
enthusiastic singers… and, in the coming months, some other activities. The suggested
donation is £2 per person.
Exercise and lunch; Epione Wellbeing Centre, Denmark Road/Wightman Road, N8 0DZ
Ladies fitness classes; Mondays and Wednesdays 11am – 12 midday. Works on wellbeing
inside and out. There is a nurse every Wednesday 10.15am – 11.15 am. All welcome to
Step two was following the advice given by Sandra Bonner who drew
plans and made measurements and supplied hints on where to find a
qualified builder. This all done by using google maps and photos online in
a meeting room away from the main hall, plus some of my own records
later sent by email. I followed her suggestions and quickly found a
builder, accepted the quote and date for the work. As I was self-funding,
I’m sure the process was eased.
Step three the work completed. I was safe again to climb the steps, use
my shopping trolley and be confident leaving and returning to the house.
I now have the liberty to go and come as I choose!
Cherry McAskill have blood sugar levels and blood pressure checked. There’s a lunch after the class on
Email address Phone contacts; Theodosia; 07985 725818;
Andrulla; 07872 633508
Keep walking! It’s good for the bones and the heart
If you can brave the cold, don’t forget Rebecca’s walks – Bruce Castle Park, 10.30 every
Wednesday. There are lots of other walks in different parks listed on
Food, glorious food
Every Tuesday afternoon from 12.45, the Antwerp Arms (Tottenham’s only cooperatively
run pub, in Church Road N17) serves a free lunch in the pub to anyone in need of a hot
meal and some company, and delivers free meals to homeless and vulnerable people.
Its community kitchen is run entirely by volunteers and supported by generous food
donations from the Felix Project and Fairfax Meadow Butchers. The Antwerp Arms
Association also provides funding, training and equipment to keep the kitchen running
The community kitchen is about so much more than a hot meal – for both visitors and our
volunteers, it’s a place to meet other people, have friendly conversation and enjoy the
warmth and support of a wonderful community. Read more of this wonderful story on
You can eat, volunteer to help cook or wash up, donate cash, or take a meal to one of the
people who needs one, who might live near you.
Cinema Club
The first Thursday of the month it’s at the Finsbury Park PictureHouse. The third Thursday of the month is at the Crouch End PictureHouse. Many people have already joined the e-
mail list to be told what film is being shown and the time, which we tell people as soon asthe cinema tells us. If you would like this information please e-mail
New GP centre in Tottenham Hale
The new Wellbourne Practice has opened at Unit 1, Walter Tull House, Monument Way
N17 9QX. Tel. 020 8808 4203
Since July, it’s been helping to address the shortfall in appointments in the north-east of
Haringey, providing GP appointments for 25,000 patients. The Centre, set over three floors, features 24 consultation rooms, as well as a variety of
other spaces for clinicians including GPs, pharmacists and more.
The Lawrence House Group has also moved its Hale Village (Tottenham Hale Medical
Practice) and Dowsett Road (Dowsett Road Surgery) medical centres to the new site.
Members of Parliament in Haringey
You elect an Member of Parliament to represent your interests and concerns in the House of Commons.
MPs deal with and propose new laws and can raise issues that matter to you. Remember they are there
for you.
There are now four MPs in Haringey due to changes in constituency boundaries. We share them with
neighbouring boroughs.
Catherine West – Hornsey and Friern Barnet
Catherine holds regular advice surgeries for new cases by telephone and in person. To arrange an
appointment, please contact Catherine’s office by email in the first instance. Please say in your email that
you would like a surgery appointment, and include details of your problem as well as your full address in
the constituency. If you do not have access to email, please call Catherine’s office.
Tel.: 020 7219 6141
Bambos Charalambous – Southgate and Wood Green
Advice Surgery slots are booked on a first come first served basis and must be pre-booked. Please contact
his office to arrange an appointment.
Tel.: 020 8882 0088
David Lammy – Tottenham
Surgeries are by appointment only. Please tel. 020 7219 0767 to make an appointment, between 10am –
1pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. At all other times please write to David Lammy MP at:
House of Commons
Tulip Siddiq – Hampstead and Highgate
Business address:
House of Commons
SW1A 0AA Tel.: 020 8127 5525
Members’ contributions to the newsletter are invited – if you have an interesting photo,
or information about a club, class or event you attend, let us know for the March edition.
And if anyone tells you they haven’t had a newsletter they were expecting, please tell us
on 07915 477009.
See you at the Winkfield Thursday January 23rd!