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AGM 2022 – 22 November at the Winkfield Centre – Report coming soon!

AGM 2019 at the Winkfield Resource Centre on March 11.

More than 40 people attended HO50s AGM at the Winkfield Resource Centre on Monday, March 11.  Speakers at the event included Cllr Sarah James, the new Cabinet member for Adults and Health.
  Although new in the role, she painted a picture of situation with older people’s care in the Borough and her vision for the future.  Paul Allen, the head of Integrated Care and Frailty at NHS Haringey, outlined his new four-point Aging Well Strategy. 


Both were subjected to questions and concerns from members and supports. We’re going to make sure some members get involved in his project; some people have already come forward and agreed to help. We will invite them back in the future for an update.
 Age UK  Haringey  Lottery Funded  Rainbow